Health, Evangelism & Literacy Program

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

World TB Day 24th March 2015: FIND, TREAT and CURE

World TB Day Observed: We observed World TB Day on 24th March 2015 here, by reciting poem, speeches (symtomps, causes, treatment time, sputum test, precautions, DOTS therapy and DOTS provider's role etc.) by our two Resource persons, Banner Poster display, Question and Answer time with the participants. The IEC material was distributed among the local community. Different people of various background, from the village and neighborhood were invited. All appreciated the program. Thanks to all those helped and participated. We also distributed TB Banner/poster with a Hindi poem on it, to the two local govt. hospitals. Also the Hindi daily "Dainik Jagran" covered us in the online and print edition:

Monday, March 16, 2015

Distribution of Tri-Cycle for the special children

We distributed two Tri-Cycles to the poor school going children of Badripur and Timli villages. The children have difficulty to walk as normal children do. With the providence of these tri-cycles they both can go to school to study and do their daily activities with much ease. The village head (Pradhan jee) was present at the occasion with other people from the village. She appreciated the work, we did (a sewing center for women and tutoring center poor school children) in her village. Thank you HCH and CHGN-UKC for your partnership. While people gathered for this program, we also covered T.B. awareness, and mental health issues. It was well received. The Hindi daily Dainik Jagran and Hindustan carried short story (5th Feb 2015) on the activities.

Monday, February 9, 2015

Health Project: Mental Health awareness Camp

A mental health camp was organised in Tipurpur, where people from the village and the nearby villages came to listen to the issue of Mental Health. The camp was organised in technical association of the Herbertpur Christian Hospital. An expert on the issue, Mr. Mukesh Layak shared about the topic and brought awareness on the whole issue of Mental health. We are thnakful to those who came to particiapte and those who helped. Thanks to our field staff Mr. Rakesh Kumar, for a keen initiative on the event, for the villagers.